As previously mentioned I was out spending money last week on new shoes - two pairs suitable for driving in and two pairs of sandals. Unfortunately not at two pounds a pair but not Sex in the City expensive...
Then on Sunday my sister phoned. I had been bemoaning the fact that late last year Paul wouldn't fork out 500 quid for a pair of tickets to see Leonard Cohen in Edinburgh. I had thought that could well have been any chance to see him gone forever.
Had I seen he was doing a concert in Weybridge in July? Check diary - nothing else on. I got onto the ticket master site - also doing one closer to home but no tickets available. But I could get a ticket for Weybridge. Woohoo! Ticket bought and then I had to work out the logistics. Phoned my friend Lucy in Reading - yes, no problem staying there. And now train tickets booked.
On Tuesday I took my car out for a spin - to
Lamberton nursery... This is another excellent local nursery specialising in alpine plants. I had to restrain myself from buying too much as I am off on Sunday to stay with Colin and Maureen prior to flying out from Glasgow the following day.
But there were herbs there and that bed is up and running. Two varieties of rosemary, a purple sage and two varieties of thyme - although this is destined to be planted between the slabs of my discovered path in LB11/12. Also for that area a beautiful shocking pink dianthus - needs a sunny position, poor soil - perfect. And I was overwhelmed by a table covered in pots of rhodohypoxises, also from shocking pinks down the colour spectrum to white. Should I, shouldn't I... And then I spotted a very pale pink one called Helen - it just had to be.

Back home again and out in the garden. The soil in the herb patch has settled somewhat so after weeding it I was back to top soil sifting. I added another three barrow loads to get the level back up to just below the path. Rosemaries and sage planted at intervals at the far end. The lavenders should be ready to go in when I get back from Bangkok.

And then I earthed up the first two rows of potatoes. Weed and dig over between the rows first. Then I weeded between the plants. Then I tried to draw up the soil with my hoe - impossible. I resorted to spade, hands and cheating. There was not enough soil by the top of the new steps as the hard core slopes down there so I resorted to more sifting and just piling it on. I am not convinced I have been ruthless enough, leaving too much growth still exposed - this is all a new learning curve for me. I may need to do the far end row (Jean's potatoes) before I go...and do my bit for the world economy.
On other gardening matters I have planted the deutzias in LB11 and lilies in LB12. I have broken a tine on my fork in the fruit tree bed. Struggling to dislodge something deep down and then there was a muffled twang - a rock too far :(